
Quadriceps ‡@‡ASingle leg half squat (both sides), 
‡B‡CSingle leg half squat lateral (both sides)
‡DJumping front lunge (for quad, ham, triceps)
‡E‡FLeg raise in sitting position straight(both sides)
‡G‡HLeg raise in sitting position at angle(both sides)
Hamstring ‡I‡JRaise lying back (both sides)
Triceps surae ‡K‡LCalf raise (both sides)
Core ‡@Sit up to ceiling
‡ABack extension (right side)
‡BSit up to knees
‡CBack extension (left side) 
‡DSit up twist
‡EBack extension (Straight)
‡FSit up perpendicular legs
‡GBack extension (combination)
Oblique Abdominals ‡@‡ASide bent knee (both sides)
‡BBalance ball crossway (right side)
‡C‡DSide leg lift (both sides)
‡EBalance ball crossway (left side)
‡F‡GSide bent knee Jack knife (both sides)
‡HBalance ball straight
‡ILeg lift alternate twist
‡JBalance ball crossway (combination)
‡K‡LSide bridge front (both sides)
‡M‡NSide bridge back (both sides)
Arm ‡@Push up wide
‡ADip wide
‡BPush up middle
‡CDip middle
‡DPush up narrow
‡EDip narrow
Gluteal ‡@‡AFunctional Hip A.A. (both sides)
Plyometrics For Beginners
‡ASquat Jump
‡EFast skipping

For the Advanced 
‡EKnee tuck jump
‡FScissors Jump
‡GLateral stair Bound
‡HAlternate leg bound
‡IBar hop
‡JSingle leg marker hop

For the Top
‡KDouble scissors
‡LSingle leg stride jump
‡MStride jump crossover
‡NDepth Jump
‡OBox skip
‡PBox bound
‡QSingle leg lateral hop
‡RSingle leg diagonal hop
Ladder ‡@Two step
‡ALateral two step
‡BOpen shut
‡CSlalom jump
‡DIn out out in
‡EBack I.O.O.I
‡GBack shuffle
Planks ‡@Front Plank
‡ASide Plank(Right)
‡BSide Plank(Left)
‡CBack Plank
‡DStability Plank(Right)
‡EStability Plank(Left)
